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Make a plan during Disaster Preparedness Month

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Think about creating a disaster plan with some tips from Ready.gov.

Stay alert to weather in your area

Disasters can happen at any time, and you might not know when you will need to evacuate an area. Pay special attention to local news broadcasts, radio notifications or emergency alerts that appear on your cell phone. Also, follow your local government on social media to get up-to-date information on issues that are impacting your community during a disaster.

Figure out how to get everyone together

Before a disaster occurs, establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find. Your family may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it’s crucial to determine where you should meet and how you’ll contact each other if separated. Keep in mind that it may be difficult to call a loved one during a disaster.

Think about your needs

When it comes to preparing for a disaster, think about your family’s needs.

  • Is a family member ill? Do they require special assistance or medication?
  • Do you have young children that will need help?
  • Do you have animals that will need tended to?

Nerves can get frazzled in an emergency, so thinking through all your family’s needs is a lot easier to do in advance.

Create a plan

Create an emergency family plan that all members can understand and quickly access in the event of a disaster. If you’re not sure what to include in your plan, Ready.gov has an Emergency Plan for Parents that can help you get started.

Gather and store important documents

Documents that you might want to safeguard could be personal identification documents, legal documents, or insurance cards or policy documents. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers a checklist on what documents you should secure.

Practice your plan with your family

Become so familiar with your plan that it’s instinctive if you have to use it. The time you save during a disaster could save a life.

By making and practicing your plan now, you will be ready to handle an emergency or disaster event. Visit Ready.gov for more disaster preparedness resources.