Summer safety 101
We’ve put together a few tips for you to keep in mind this summer.
Create a summer safety plan
If you have young children or teenagers at home during the summer months, don’t forget to create a safety plan with them. Coach them on how they should respond to emergency situations and where they should go in the event they are separated from each other, their responsible adult or you. Create a list of trusted adults or neighbors they can call or text if there is an issue and they are not able to get in touch with you, and don’t forget to go over emergency numbers and what situations would require calling 911.
Make a First Aid kit
Summer is a great time to stock up or refresh your first aid kit. From bumps and bruises to scrapes and bug bites, it’s important to have all the necessary items to treat any ailment. Think about including gloves, antibiotic ointment, gauze, bandages, scissors, hand sanitizer and cold compresses to your kit.
Home safety
Before packing your bags for an upcoming trip, be sure to secure your home from would-be thieves. Lock your doors and windows and keep personal items out of sight. Think about purchasing a video doorbell camera or motion activated exterior and/or interior cameras that notify you of motion around your home. For an added level of protection, you could also consider purchasing a security system. During nights while you’re away, you could also set up smart lightbulbs to give the illusion that someone is home and deter intruders.
Pools and water safety
Taking a dip in the pool is a great way to stay cool under the hot summer sun, but without proper safety measures, can also be a major home hazard. Be sure to supervise children closely – designate an adult to always watch children in and around the water. If you’re a homeowner with a pool, be sure to adhere to local and state laws regarding pools and establish rules for your pool. Click here more helpful tips about pool safety.
Grilling and outdoor food safety
If you’re firing up the grill this season, there are some risks that can be avoided with some mindful preparation – such as keeping your grill a safe distance from objects, keeping it clean, checking for gas leaks (if applicable), always lighting your grill with the lid lifted and keeping a fire extinguisher handy. For more helpful tips regarding grilling, click here.
Food safety is another consideration to keep in mind when eating outdoors. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has a great article detailing safe food handling you can read here.
The great outdoors
Stay protected from sun damage by covering up when possible and using sunscreen every time you go outside. Also be sure to use effective insect repellant and check yourself and your family often for ticks and bites.
Heat and humidity are also risks to your wellness. Know the signs of heat-related illnesses and try waiting for cooler times of day to do strenuous outdoor work or exercise. Most importantly, when spending time outdoors, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
It’s also important to be aware of the local weather forecast. Thunderstorms and dust storms can be dangerous – don’t try to outrun them, be prepared to pull over if visibility is low and never drive through flooded roads.
Pet safety
When spending time outside, make sure your four-legged companions have access to clean water and a place in the shade where they can stay cool. On walks, be aware of hot asphalt and concrete. If asphalt or concrete is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws. And, remember, never leave your pet alone in a vehicle. Depending on your state, it could even be illegal. Temperatures in vehicles heat up quickly during summer months which can lead to heat stroke and/or death. For more summer pet safety tips, click here.
Firework safety
Summer and fireworks go together, but those impressive displays can also be dangerous. Injuries like bruises, cuts and burns to the face, hands, legs — or even death — can occur. If you still want to set off fireworks, be sure to check your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure firework accidents are covered under your policy.
If you’re covered, here are some safety tips.
- Don’t consume alcohol when using fireworks
- Only light fireworks outdoors – away from people, houses and flammable material
- Light one at a time and quickly move away to a safe distance
- Never allow young children to handle fireworks; older children should always have adult supervision
For more tips on firework safety, check out this article.
Wishing you a safe and wonderful summer!